
Weekly Highlights 3.26.17

We launched into spring this week.


In case you had a tequila and corona infused spring break week in Cancun, beach side by the day and booty shaking at the disco at night, here is what you missed at Core Principles.


Commitment is not a strong enough term for this young lady. Mary, “Queen of Consistency” overlooked the break in her foot and joy of getting around on crutches and came in this week anyway.


One leg workouts rule! Especially riding the Assault bike with arms only.

Last week you found out that Kat has joined our team as our Client Experience Ambassador. Now for the real big news.
She is pregnant with a baby girl!
Congratulations to Kat and Tim we are so thrilled for you.
We had our first group of high school athletes in this week getting ready for the spring season. The future is promising! Keep it up boys!
In case you need someone to dress up as an Easter bunny, Rick has you covered.
Lou has decided to become a swinger for the next month! He got his wife’s permission first. He is going to take on a formidable challenge and do 10,000 Kettlebell swings in the month of April. He has been preparing over the last month and is ready to roll. You got this Lou and we all have your back. These are the last squats you will see from him in a long time.
If you don’t see me much this week, you can find me here.
Joanna, Hudson and I are headed to Hawaii for a few days so we can celebrate the wedding of our good friends Jen & Garret. Aloha.

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