
Shawn made a choice, why haven’t you ?

If you’ve never had real back pain or issues, then you should be thankful. It’s uncomfy and affects everything you do. But you have two options, either you can do nothing, or you can try to improve your situation.


Shawn, the handsome gentlemen in the photo on the box, has been with us for a little while now. He suffers from debilitating back pain. He’s undergone a list of surgeries and is still in discomfort.
Now at this point, most people become very motivated to take better care of themselves or think doing nothing is somehow better for their body.
Shawn has been motivated to make a change. When he first came to us, he had a hard time understanding how to engage his core and move his spine.
Now, after some patience and practice, he is getting into some fantastic positions — this a colossal accomplishment for a few reasons. First, after a back injury, that area usually becomes very stiff and ridged and the body both work to protect the damaged region.
Finally, and a significant reason to us, is the trust Shawn put in us. We understand that it’s scary to trust anybody with your health, especially after being in hurt and pain.
Shawn isn’t pain-free, and it may never happen. Nothing is promised when it comes to the human body. We do know for sure that him regaining movement and becoming stronger will help him have a healthy life.

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