
November Off Day Workouts

To see real progress the most important thing is consistency.


Going to the gym 2-3 times a week is awesome and will help you but in order to maximize your results you should try to do something on the days that you do not go to the gym.


This can be something as simple as going for a walk, playing with the kids, or playing recreational sports.


However if you want a little more structure a quick little workout will work too.


Just like we talk about the benefits of having a program to follow at the gym the same can apply to days you are not at the gym. Try to take as much mental lifting out of the equation as possible.


We have helped you with that. We created simple and effective workouts you can do at home with minimal to no equipment at all.


I want to show you two of them today.


The first one will involve only one kettle bell and the second workout is simply body weight.


Breath Baby Breath


We are going to start with 1 rep of each, then increase by 1 rep all the way up to 5, take a minute or two rest and start at five and work our way down.


KB deadlift x 1-5, 5-1

Goblet Squat x 1-5, 5-1

Breath x 1-5, 5-1


Body Weight Complex


Set a timer for 5:00 minutes, do as many sets as you can, rest 2-3 minutes and do one more round.


For some of the exercises I will show you a progressed version if you would like to try. Make sure that you are in a safe passion and not going to get hurt. Feel free to switch between the harder and slightly easier version as you get tiered.


Ski jumper/Hinge Jump x 5

Body Weight Squat x 5

Elevated Push Up/ Push Up x 5

Plank w/ Toe Tap/ Push Up Plank w/ Shoulder tap x 5 E


Give these a shot. If you feel like you want to add a around or do more go for it, stuck on time and need a quick 10 minute workout? Just do what you can that is perfectly cool too.


If you would like a copy of these or other off day workouts we have simple shoot us an email and we will be more than happy to send that over to you.


-Coach Pat

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