
Live In The Moment

Where are you right now? What is going on right now? Who are you with? What do you see?


Are you living in the moment or are you spaced out somewhere else thinking about a million different things.


Today I had an awesome chat with a client about being in the moment. We started talking about golf and how he was playing this year. He went on to say he was playing pretty good, would like to be more consistent but mentioned a few things he was working on specifically this year. One thing he mentioned that I thought was absolutely amazing was that he was trying to be more “in the moment” when he was playing. He would try to focus only on the shot he was about to take, not his last shot and not anything else that may be going on in his life.


I believe this goal of working on being “in the moment” will help many people in terms of exercise, nutrition and really anything in life.


We often get so caught up in doing a million things at once that we cant focus on one simple task at hand.


How many times do you find yourself running around eating on the go while not even giving one thought to what your shoving down your mouth. It happens to all of us because we are not aware of it; we are not truly in the moment.


How many times have you gone to the gym to go through the motions because you were so focused on something else outside of the gym.


This is definitely not a recipe for success. It’s a recipe for disaster it distracts you from your current task at hand.


I want you to try to have a little challenge with yourself. Next time you are doing something that is important to you whether it’s work, being with your kids/family, eating, or exercising try to focus on what you are doing right then and there and that’s it.


Ask yourself, where am I? What am I doing? Who am I with? What can I control right now?


Living in the moment helps set you up for success in everything you do.


-Coach Pat


PS. Our SuperYou this Summer Program beginning July 9.  All you have to do is show up, we will use all of our skills to coach you, provide 4 week of meal templates, and make sure you feel all the love, support and accountability of our community.  The early bird rate of $199 goes away on tonight at Midnight.  Get on it here.

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