
I know what to do, I just need to do it? How to do it!

Ditch your Diet, Sort of a Podcast with Haylin & Georgie.


Ever say that to yourself when you think about weight loss and improving how you eat.


Many people feel like they know what to do and yet they struggle to do it.


Georgie and I help you solve the mystery of doing what you already know how to do.


It’s typical to assume you’re not motivated, lack willpower, or don’t want it bad enough. Not true, you’re plenty capable and you can trust yourself.


What you’ll likely benefit from is a strategy that clarifies what you should practice and when to practice it. 


If you want to get better at baseball, you know you need to practice catching fly balls, fielding grounders, hitting and running the bases.  You couldn’t and wouldn’t practice all those things at once and wouldn’t practice all day every day.


You may practice a few times a week and focus on one or two things each practice. 


How could that work from an eating standpoint?  Watch Georgie and I will break it down for you. Don’t worry you won’t need to deprive yourself of crabs, track calories, weigh/ measure food, eat steamed chicken and broccoli, or order all your food from a 1 800 number.


You just want to look great and feel better, we want that for you also.


Click on the image below to watch the video:

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